Posts tagged Washington DC Blogger
Spending time alone and why it's good for you

As a fellow extrovert, I love being around people and get my energy from them, but I’ve started to value my alone time more lately.

Being alone meant I could use the time to focus on myself, work on this website as I camp out at a cafe - like I’m doing right now - or stay at home to catch-up on sleep and binge watch shows (we all need those lazy days!).

I used to think that staying in bed and being unproductive was… well, unproductive and a waste of time. But I’m realizing that this isn’t a waste of time because you need to rest your body to maintain your health and be fresh and ready to go for the work week. We’ll also never have time like this again, so take a break, and relax. Go stay in bed and binge watch a show or two once in a while, don’t feel guilty about it.

Going about your day alone leaves you alone with your thoughts, so I usually spend a lot of my time thinking about what I want in life, people watch by sitting next to a window at a cafe, or catch-up on work-work or personal-work.

Don’t be afraid to not have any plans on weeknights and weekends. Don’t feel like you have to go out to that party on a Friday night because everyone else is. Don’t be afraid to explore the city or town you live in by yourself.

Go date yourself, because if you don’t know who you are and what you want, what other human will?

Let it snow... in March?

Life is constantly full of surprises and might not go according to your plan. You might have a strict 5 year plan or maybe it's a one month plan. It's great to have goals in life, but make sure you don't get caught up in all the small details. Stay flexible, adaptable, have goals, and when something occurs that might seem off - like having it snow in March - seize the moment. Who knows, maybe diverging might be the best thing that could have ever happened to you.